Use “CRS” Score in Cycle App To Invest Better

The CRS Score is one of the unique points which make insights by the cycle app invaluable.
It is being followed by Industry leaders across the US and India to make decisions in the stock market

Cycle Relative Strength (CRS) Rating indicates the price performance of a particular stock in comparison to all other stocks that get traded on a particular stock exchange. Quite simply put, it reflects whether a given stock is a leader, a mediocre performer or a laggard in the stock market. 

Interpretation of CRS rating?

Generic interpretation

CRS ScoreInterpretation
70>Outperformer stock 
40-69Average / Mediocre performer
Range of CRS Score in Cycle app

Critical Interpretation

The CRS rating is given out of 100. If the CRS rating for a given stock is 82, it essentially means that the stock is beating 82% of other stocks based upon price performance over the last 4 quarters.

Please refer to How to use Cycle tutorials for learning how to make effective use of the CRS score with the help of various signal combinations in short term & long term investing.

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